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President Obama’s Heckler

‘You lie’ shouted Joe Wilson, a Republican nutjob from the moronic state of South Carolina.  Wilson thought Obama was lying about the established fact that illegal immigrants will not be covered by health care reform. 

Stay classy, Republicans.

Another Palin Fan

Whew.  My head hurts from reading the comments on Palin’s Facebook page.  WTF are these people talking about?

Scott Hall

Well, I guess once the government pays for my health insurance I will then be able to afford a lawyer since this new MORON Sunstein wants my dog to be able to sue me if I for get to play fetch with her. Will I be able to write off this expense for a …lawyer somwere on my taxes? Didn’t think so. I guess there will be a bunch of new job openings for doggy and kitty lawyers. Oh, yeah my dogs can NOT talk!!! What the HELL is going on in our country? This moron wants my guns also. He can have them hot lead first!!!
Palin/ Beck in 2012.

A Palin Follower

The following is from the Wall on Palin’s Facebook page:

Tamara Kreisler Looks like Cess Sunstentin (regulatory Czar) got the majority votes. People we will have no hunting, no guns, and will be unable to eat meat, your animals will now be able to sue you, and last but not least, your organ will no longer be yours, you will be required to donate them!!!

Tamara, honey, you are too stupid for words.

Tweet, Tweet

This tweet is from ‘Conservative News’ and makes absolutely no sense unless you are a bona fide member of the IGMFU club.  Appears to be a classic example of false equivalency to me.


BHO always complains about what he inherited from GWB but wants the insurance companies to ignore preexisting conditions. #tcot12:58 PM Sep 8th from web

Now That’s Deprivation

I’m at a loss for words to describe why a sports writer would think it was okay to use a kidnap victim as the theme for his crappy sports column.  There must be something in the Orange County, California water system.

This is just so incredibly tasteless.  Maybe he’s the brother-in-law to Assemblyman Duval – you know the guy who has sex with lobbyists wearing ‘eye patch’ underwear?

Family Values Hypocrite

I’m not going to embed the video of this ‘family values’ Republican spouting off about his steamy sexual conquests with female lobbyists.  You can see/hear for yourself if you like by clicking on the link.  Suffice it to say, this man is a first-rate doucebag and the people who elected him should have their heads examined.  Would you willingly have sex with this man?!  He’s the one on the left.


Piss Standing Up, Dammit

I did a google search for Paster Steven Anderson and hoo-boy did I find the mother lode.  Said Pastor Anderson is the one who recently prayed for Obama to get brain cancer so he would die just like Teddy Kennedy.  Nice Christian man, right?

This preaching-from-the-pulpit is pure wingnut:

Blood Money

Ever wonder what $3.2M in blood money will buy?  If you are Dick Cheney, it buys a University of Wyoming Cheney International Center!  Never mind that Cheney was the mastermind behind the U.S. torturing innocent people.  Ill-gained money can buy you anything!

Kudos to the protestors.

Birther B.S.

Wow – it really can’t get  much easier to see how cowed these Republicans are of their crazy birther constituents:

And part 2:

But it was good to see one or two Republicans who aren’t afraid to speak the truth. 

One of those questioned, Congresswoman Jean Schmidt of Ohio, was caught on tape recently claiming to agree with a birther.  Does she really believe this b.s. or is she a political whore willing to say anything to appease the crazy?  My vote is for the latter.

That Unpatriotic President

The Corner, over at National Review Online (NRO) is always a good source for Quotes from Crazyland.  [Poor Bill Buckley]

Yesterday John J. Pitney, Jr., a professor of Government at Claremont McKenna College*, wrote this in response to President Obama urging kids to stay in school because if they quit, they’d be quitting on their country as well as themselves:

…Among Americans between ages 65 and 74, 20.7 percent quit before finishing high school. For those 75 and older, the figure is 27.4 percent. The latter group includes some who quit in order to enlist in the armed forces after Pearl Harbor. And yet the president seems to be calling them unpatriotic.

Well, that’s a bit of stretch, isn’t it?  I wonder if John Boy checks under his bed for monsters every night?  Apparently he doesn’t realize that times, they are a’changin’.  My father would be in that ‘over 75’ age category and yes, he could have quit school and still found a job paying a living wage to support a family.  I wish John Boy could point out one kid who quits school these days who could do the same.  Huh, J-B?

*Tuition at this private California college is almost $40K  per year not including room and board.  If I had a child at this college, I’d ask for a refund or a very large discount.